
Cindy Carpenter

Pastor Cindy Carpenter is a graduate of Charis Bible College Arizona and has been ordained through Charis Bible College. She is also a graduate of the International School of Ministry. Cindy is passionate about seeing people healed and walking in the fullness of what God has for them. She has ministered in both the U.S. and abroad; some of which include Charis Bible College Arizona, Costa Rica, and Uganda. Aside from Pastoring and various speaking engagements, Cindy also ministers through her books and audio CDs.

Judy A. Knox

Judy A. Knox is a retired high school teacher who now teaches Christians how to enjoy a more vibrant walk with God by discovering His goodness in everyday life. Her books, devotionals, and blog posts encourage and inspire readers to find the positive aspects to even those negative situations we all encounter from time to time. She and her husband, Alan, were born again in 1972. Alan passed away in 2012.

Originally from the Midwest, Judy now lives in Mesa, AZ Her son and daughter (both married) and six grandchildren still live in the Chicago area. Although she would enjoy more time with her family, she delights in the warm Arizona weather and her life in an active senior community where she leads a writers’ group, plays cello in a string quartet, sings karaoke, plays on a trivia team, and teaches a weekly home Bible study.

She is an active member of Charis Christian Church in Mesa.
Her educational background includes an MEd in Special Education from Avila university in Kansas City, MO, an MS in Administration and Curriculum Development from National Lous university in Evanston, IL, and an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies with a Ministerial Certificate from Charis Bible College in Phoenix.

Myra Moody

Myra Moody believed in Jesus at 6 years old, but didn’t formally accept Him as her Lord and Savior until she was 17 and received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

As a  retired registered nurse, Myra has 47 years of experience in the healthcare profession. After graduating from college, she earned a Masters in Public Administration, majoring in healthcare administration from Roosevelt University. Next, she attended World Harvest Bible School, followed by earning a M.Div and Masters of Arts in Christian Counseling from Oral Roberts University. While enrolled, Myra went on a short-term mission to China. Since graduating, she has done some post graduate work in Hebrew.

Linda L. Rollins

Linda L. Rollins is a licensed minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ since 2013. She has been involved in prayer, healing, deliverance, teaching, and street ministries since the mid 1990’s. She started a nursing home ministry ‘Meeting with Jesus’ in 2018 in Mesa, Arizona, that was suspended in 2020 due to covid. Her passion is to encourage and equip others to encounter God’s love, power, healing and faithfulness; to discover the rich truths of the Word and Spirit for all the church today.

Originally from Burghill, Ohio, Linda attended Youngstown State University in Youngstown, Ohio, for three years. She also took correspondence courses with the Bible College of Wales in Swansea, Wales, home of the famous intercessor Rees Howells. She moved to Mesa, Arizona, in 1978 and has lived there since. Her husband, a rare Arizona native, is an RF Design Engineer in Chandler, Arizona. Her son, daughter-in-law, and daughter live in Mesa along with five of her seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Linda attends Charis Christian Church in Mesa, Arizona, where she is a teacher in the weekly Healing School and a member of the Oasis Bible Training Center Mentorship Program. In 2012 and 2013 Linda went on mission trips with Habitat for Humanity to build homes in rural, central Mexico and to minister to children at a local orphanage.

She was diagnosed with cancer in late 2019 and after recovering, she wrote a book of encouragement, On The Bathroom Floor Looking Up, which is available on Amazon. Linda loves studying and teaching the Bible, reading, crafting and the outdoors. 

Bill Anderson

Bill has been a Christian for 43 years. He has taught for approximately 40 years in various capacities, most recently at Charis Christian Church on healing in the body of Christ. Bill served previously as an associate pastor at Restoration Fellowship for 10 years. Bill enjoys teaching and his family of 3 children, 4 grandchildren, and 4 great grandchildren.

Christi Wood

Christi Wood was born in 1966, in Phoenix Arizona. She has been married to Russell since 1987, and has three children, and seven grandchildren. Christi grew up attending the Nazarene church in Scottsdale Arizona, where she and her family attended most of her life. she began singing at a young age, and began singing solos in the 8th grade, as the Lord gave her the ability.

Christi attends Charis Christian Church and is on the Praise and Worship team, she has attended the Oasis Bible Training Center Mentorship Program, and has taught in Healing School at Charis Christian Church.

1995 was a pivotal year as the Lord called her, while living a difficult time of her life, to live for Him. He has taken Christi on a journey of learning more of Him, and establishing her heart in His truths and Word, and the power of Holy Spirit in her life, taking her in a deeper, authentic walk with Him and revealing the call He has on her life. 

In 2022, the Lord healed Christi of Interstitial Lung Disease as her faith connected to the truth that God wants to heal every single person every single time, according to His word. It has been more than she could have ever imagined, giving her the verse of Ephesians 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.”

Christi has a passion for the Lord that has given her a purpose to serve Him at all costs, with all abilities He provides, for His glory and honor, as He has her whole heart and life!

Shawn McKay

Hello, my name is Shawn McKay.  In May of 2021, my wife, Lisa, and I began McKay Ministries International.  I am a graduate of Charis Bible College and a licensed Minister of the Gospel. 

The majority of my life I worked as an executive in the corporate world.  I held numerous roles with companies that you are probably very familiar with; Domino’s Pizza, Papa John’s Pizza, Coca Cola Enterprises and Amazon.  In each of these organizations, I was a Leader of Leaders skilled in leadership development, strategic planning, and process improvement.  It was my honor and privilege to develop numerous leadership teams and build many new production / distribution facilities all over the United States. 

However, my passion has been promoting the Kingdom of God through service, leadership, teaching, and preaching.  I started my service and leadership as a teenager.  This progressed over time to include Sunday School teaching, preaching and serving as an Elder on church boards. The common thread in my life has been teaching. 

Throughout my life, I have taught both in industry and within the church. It is my call to elevate by teaching and building up disciples both locally and around the world. In addition, I desire to help pastors reach their ministry goals. This is why McKay Ministries International has been founded upon Matthew 9:35.  

“Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” -Matthew 9:35 NKJV

Antoinette Quevedo

Antoinette grew up in Newark, New Jersey, and moved to Arizona in 1994. Antoinette is an avid learner and enjoys applying Biblical truths to her everyday life. Her hobbies are learning, Coaching individuals, health and nutrition, and she enjoys Christian films and concerts.

Antoinette is married to Christopher and has a beautiful daughter, son, and grandson. She truly enjoys time with her family and pets. Antoinette has for the past 25 years acquired various educational curricula. From Life Coaching leadership to pre-nursing, kinesiology, and Sports injury. As an LMT, she has owned a  therapeutic medical massage practice for 25 years. She currently has a BA in theology and her master’s degree in pastoral leadership. She is also finishing her third year at Charis Bible College simultaneously taking master leadership courses with John Maxwell.

Antoinette and Christopher started a church In April of 2018 called Grace in Motion. She has been the Senior Pastor of Grace in Motion for the past 6 years. Antoinette enjoys pastoring, teaching, discipleship, ministry work, and empowering her congregation with the truths of identity in Christ. She oversees various growing ministries within the church.

Judy Adams

Judy is a member of Charis Christian Church and a participant in the Mentorship Program for Oasis Bible Training Center. She has been a part of the Body of Christ since
November 1980, and Spirit filled since 1984.

Judy has homeschooled her five children, two of whom graduated from Master’s Commission Bible School and one from Mesa University in Grand Junction, Colorado. It is on her heart to help other Christians to know what their inheritance is as a child of God.

Amy Sanborn

Amy Sanborn was born in a small town outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. When she was 12 her family moved to Bismarck, North Dakota. She earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of North Dakota. In 2021 she graduated from Charis Bible College Arizona.

Amy is the proud mother of two children, both of whom have amazing healing testimonies. Currently she is the secretary for Charis Christian Church. In her free time she enjoys hiking and kayaking. Amy teaches a course on the Life and Teachings of Christ and is passionate about the application of biblical truths.

Jenny Matherly

I gave my heart to Jesus at age 5, brought up in church and have served
the Lord most all of my life.

In 2015 I graduated from Charis Bible College Arizona, and Leadership school in 2017. I was blessed to have taught several classes over the years in my home church here at Charis Christian Church. Recently, I have been through the Oasis Bible Training Center Mentorship Program and am looking forward to teaching new students the written Word of God, how it is alive and active, how through it is how we know God: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and who we are in Christ and what He’s done for all of mankind.

The Word of God is the center of everything!

I am a semi-native to Arizona. Married to my hubby, Bob for 44 years, with two adult children, and three grand-kiddos. I am  in the process of writing a book called “I’m Not Quitting, We’re Just Getting Started!”

Kirsten Kennedy

Kirsten Kennedy is a graduate of Charis Bible College Arizona. She is a member of Oasis Community Church in Scottsdale, Arizona. Kirsten has served in many areas of her church including children’s, youth, and young adult ministries. Kirsten and her husband, Steve, currently lead a small group for young married couples.

Kirsten has lived in Arizona for more than 20 years. She attended Arizona State University where she earned a bachelor’s degree in speech and hearing science. She is a licensed speech pathology assistant who enjoys teaching clients how to communicate well.

Kirsten has been walking with God since early childhood. She has an incredible healing testimony among other miraculous testimonies. Kirsten is passionate about sharing the love of Jesus and maintaining an attitude of gratitude.

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate on these things.